Previous Versions

This page refers to eForth.

I am not maintaining or enhancing eForth for the Rabbit.
eForth is an interesting learning tool and has a fairly small binary image.

There is no reason to use the older versions that I'm aware of.
If I change my mind, they will be placed here.

rev nn x string is {nn = forth version} + {x = loader version}.

The forth versions are all n=20

Loader versions:
In all cases, the assembly code is ORG'ed to the relocation address

a - relocates to $4200
b - relocates to $4200 with flash option on exit
b657 - relocates to $5400 for 6.57 compiler
c - relocates to $0000 by changing MMU registers
d - changes init of parallel port C for BOTH TxA and TxC 
        (was just TxC in previous versions)
e - make serial port selection {A, B, or C} via #define in the .c source
        and an EQU in the .asm source. 

The correct binary must be used with the respective loader.
Loaders before rev C required modifications to the BIOS to move DATAORG.

| © 2005 Ken Staton