200 steps per full 360 degree rotation
print("%.1f degree stepper motor" %(360.0/200))
1.8 degree stepper motor
Use Klipper configuration values ( PrintrBot Metal Plus )
rotation distance = full steps per rotation * microsteps / steps_per_mm
x,y are 40 mm/turn
z is 1.58750 mm/turn
extruder is 34.0 mm/turn
(40.0 * 1000)/(200*16)
(1.5875 * 1000)/(200*16)
The main reason to microstep is reducing noise and vibration.
Klipper configuration values ( PrintrBot Metal Plus )
max_velocity: 400 # mm/sec
max_accel: 2500 # mm/sec2
max_z_velocity: 10 # mm/sec
max_z_accel: 200 # mm/sec2
Note that maximum velocity and acceleration will change with motor temperature!
Test maximum velocity by doing relatively slow accel/decel.
The accel/decel must allow measurable constant velocity segment.
Look for missed position change with encoder: every step pulse should have an encoder change.
200*16 = 3200 steps per rotation.
A 12 bit encoder is sufficient. 4096/3200 = 1.28 values
A 14 bit encoder 16384/3200 = 5.12 values represent same step.
Max acceleration is also determined by missed position changes.
setting max accel